Internet Home of Lee & Dianne Brown

Lee and Dianne Brown

Guest Book for Lee Brown

If you need to make any changes to your entry, you may email John Wm Beckner

Lolita  I have been very blessed in my life and living at the Petite Oasis, twice, is a blessing I do not take for granted. While living in Vietnam, I met Alexis and she told me that when I get to Durham that I should call Lee and Dianne and see if they have a room. And three months later, I called and I not only had a room but the exact apartment Alexis had! I felt so safe and nurtured I didn’t think I would leave, but I did, and after living in Hawaii and Italy, I felt called to return to North Carolina and found myself back at The Petit Oasis living in one of the cottages. There, Lee and Dianne welcomed me back with open arms, allowing me to practice massage therapy in my home. Life has such a unique way of providing for me, particularly in ways I didn’t think I needed… Lee used to drop me off at the movie theatre when I first moved to Durham and was without a car; he helped me find my first used car, which I absolutely cherished and drove across the US, twice and shipped it to Kauai and back; he and Dianne would drop me off at the airport, taking the scenic route which always prepared me for a calm journey; he picked up my first couch that I ever bought for myself at Habitat for Humanity; he would clean the snow and ice off my car; he and Adrian persevered with Spectrum to provide all of us with the best wifi and Internet; I also remember watching Amy Schumer with Lee and Dianne. I feel a great loss with Lee gone and my time away from The Petite Oasis. I miss Lee and Dianne and hope that Dianne understands the profound impact she and her husband had on me. I have travelled the world and there is less than a handful of places that I would call home, and the community they created for me was never something I could have imagined for myself. I would never have imagined to feel so supported and cared for by strangers, offering me a place filled with warmth and care. Thank you, Dianne. And, thank you, Lee.
Pat and Bud McAlister  Dear Dianne and family, We were so sorry to learn of Lee's passing. We have wonderful memories of the times we had together even tho there weren't that many. I am thinking now of the summer of 1963 when we lived in cottages at Buffalo Lake. Thank you for sending us this very special email of Lee and the Guest Book.
Jake Brown  Grandpa Lee was not just a loving grandad, he was also a mentor and a teacher at all times. He taught me many lessons about life that I would not have learned without his guidance. He was extremely kind hearted and always generous with his time and care for others. He is one of the strongest men I knew in all facets of life. I will miss his presence physically, but I know mentally he has loved and guided so many that his influence in life will have a lasting presence in many more lives than he even realized.
Alison and Frank Hurst  Brown family, I am so sorry about Lee. He has been a wonderful person to know for the last 30-plus years. I always loved to hear his voice, he had a commanding yet always kind tone. I remember the excitement of Sam and Jake being born and Ashland using Lee and Dianne's RV at the hospital to stay close to the boys. I felt like he was a part of my daily life through the stories relayed to me by Sam, Jake, Jill, Kent, and Ashland. I loved hearing about what was going on at the Petite Oasis and all of the renovations and friends that make life full and busy. My favorite Lee story that I just heard in the last few months was of him surrendering his driver's license only to return to the DMV to get a new one. I can imagine how excited Lee was to complete the shower addition he designed for himself and Dianne. I think that if I were to pick a perfect last day completing that shower for his love would be top of the list. Dianne, you are so important to Ashland and she hit the jackpot with you.
George Mackie  Lee Brown was the father-in-law of my daughter, Ashland. I am thankful for all the love he showed to her, her husband and their children over the years. He was a loving father who raised a fine man, my son-in-law, Kent. Lee was also a wonderful husband to Dianne. I remember when he and Dianne took the grandchildren on trips in the RV and went with them to Disney World. Lee and Dianne were a great team and his love for her was evident in the way he cared for her even until his last day. Together, they made this world a better place.
Sean Adam  My thoughts and my prayers are with the entire Brown family. May you be comforted with beautiful memories and the love which is eternal.
Ashland Brown  Lee was my father-in-law, friend, mentor, and loving grandfather to our children. Lee’s wisdom was helpful in every situation, and I truly valued his advice. Lee had an applicable quote for everything! I admired his great mind. Somehow, he had almost the entire Bartlett’s Quotations put to memory. I tried to remember and write down Lee’s words, but he had so many quotes that I could not keep up. He is well known for his statement that “All is well.” That has been a great comfort to me over the years. Lee was a great man. Wise, generous, kind, loving, and thoughtful. It is impossible to describe how much he changed my life and how much I miss him. Lee here is one for you: “Something Beautiful Remains ” by Martha Vashti Pearson The tide recedes, but leaves behind Bright seashells on the sand. The sun goes down but gentle warmth Still lingers on the land. The music stops and yet it lingers on In sweet refrain. For every joy that passes Something beautiful remains.
Sam   I loved being around Grandpa Lee, everytime we went to his house I knew that we would have fun (and some of grandma Dianne's cooking). He was always doing things for his family and others just because he wanted to be kind and help. I miss you very much and I am glad I got to see you often. I love you Grandpa
Fred & Gloria Hunt  Lee was a creative thinker who appreciated and cared for other people. This world needs more men like him. He will be missed. Fred & Gloria
Kent Brown  A Positive Attitude meant everything to Dad. No matter the circumstances, he lived a generous life focused on optimism and helping others unlock its power in their lives. While a modest man in terms of formal education, Dad sought wisdom throughout his life - from books, experiences and most importantly, other people. The wisdom he collected became more concentrated through the years and made him a better husband, father, grandfather, and friend. His best self was reflected in the love and care he showed for Mom and repaying her for sixty years of loving marriage. Dad will be dearly missed, but he taught us how to see the best in every situation and remember that “All shall be well”. I love you, Dad.
Wanda Roberts and Richard Stolz  May memories of Lee's life, well lived and definitely adventurous, provide support, peace, and laughter for Dianne and her family.
John Beckner  Lee was my friend for over 12 years. His kindness and generosity have made a huge impact on my life. His friendship made me realize at times that life was worth living, especially at very difficult times when I doubted that. So many thoughts are going through my mind as I write this. There is so much I'd like to say, but I'll sum it up. Lee, I was blessed to have had you in my life. The world is poorer for your passing but heaven has a new bright star.