Internet Home of Lee & Dianne Brown

Lee Brown

Guest Book for Dianne Brown

If you need to make any changes to your entry, you may email John Wm Beckner

Name Message
Mona Kitchener  I feel badly that it has taken me so long to post something here. I knew Dianne all my life and have many treasured photos of us as wee girls, including Gail, who was my best friend. We always played together, as the Blair girls lived across the alley from me. I spent many happy hours with them there, and after, when they moved to the farm. Dianne, being the elder, taught me to drive a stick shift in their Volkswagen when I was about 14. We went all through school together - in high school we, along with Ethyle, Mary Anne and Donna, were the high school basketball cheerleaders, a role we reprised at the Stettler High School.Reunion. I’ve only seen Diane a couple of times since then but we always kept in touch through Gail. I was so very sad to know of your Dad’s passing and now your Mother has gone to be with him. You were fortunate to have such lovely parents.
Donna Lock nee Gibson  Doug and I are sending hugs and love to all of you. Thank you for giving us this time to share caring thoughts and reflect on times past. Dianne was a Special part of our school pals who hung around together at school, parties (especially at hers and others individual homes) and kept those bonds alive into adulthood. Our guys knew the group also and we had times at RV parks with the same friends, in Stettler, to continue the fun.
We miss them both.
Blessings to all the family ... Donna and Doug Lock
Andrei and Sharon Stoddard  We are sorry for your loss. Mothers and Fathers are very special. You have our prayers and deepest sympathy.

Andrei & Sharon
Wanda Roberts and Richard Stolz  I had the privilege of getting to know Dianne after she moved to White Oak North Grove facility in Spartanburg. Her gracious demeanor and that cute little giggle of hers just made my day brighter.
She was loved by all who knew her and, in turn, she loved all of them. Most important, she was totally surrounded by her family's love and memories of a life well lived.

Adrian Rigsbee  She had a heart bigger than anyone I know and was always working hard to keep things moving smoothly. I could never repay what all she taught me, did for me and the positive view on life she had. I’m thankful for the gift of the time I had with her, she will always have a place in my heart.
John Beckner  I remember the very first moment I saw you tending to the garden at Petite Oasis. After Lee introduced me to you, I knew there was something special about you. Your warmth, kindness, and vibrant spirit brightened our neighborhood and touched the lives of everyone around.

Though you left the Petite Oasis physically two years ago, your spirit has remained an inherent part of our lives here. I often think about the conversations we shared and the laughter that filled the air when you and Lee were around. You brought so much joy and wisdom to my life, and I truly believe I am a better person for having known you both.

I learned so much about you and Lee when we were creating your website. You had so many stories to tell about all of the photos we uploaded. I felt like I was a member of your family, and I thank you for these cherished memories.

I find comfort in knowing that you are now at peace. You will always hold a special place in my heart.
